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Design Your Life Your Way | Quantuvos Insights

Written by Quantuvos Insights | Nov 17, 2023 1:00:00 PM

When it feels like the currents of circumstance sweep us along, it's easy to fall into the belief that we're simply passengers in the journey of our own lives. We find ourselves waiting for a savior, whether in the form of a mentor, a partner, or even luck, to rescue us from the challenges that come our way in our careers, personal lives, or businesses. But Rahul Karan Sharma, the author of Habits4Miracles: Design Your Life Your Way, firmly believes in practicing healthy habits that can potentially change your life's direction.

“We all have that capability, that greatness within us. It is about the choice that we have to make. We have the ability to lead life the way we want versus leading life under the terms and conditions of our employer, our partner, or our clients. The choice is ours.”

In the latest episode of Qonversation, Rahul shares several of these healthy habits, known as MIRACLES, which is an acronym for Mind-talk, Ideation, Reading, Analyzation, Calmness, Listening, Exercise, and Silence.




Mind-talk, or self-talk, begins with gratitude because we often overlook the true value of what we have. But when we take a moment to appreciate our blessings, they become even more precious. Another important aspect of Mind-talk is kindness—showing kindness to others without expecting anything in return. If we started doing these two things they would help shape a positive outlook. When our minds are in a positive space, our actions follow suit. It's like a chain reactionpositive thoughts lead to positive moves!

“When our mind is positive, then our mind-talk will be positive. It is indirect proportion to what we are thinking.”




People are often great at sizing up others but not so much when looking in the mirror. This is where Analyzation self-reflection comes in handyunderstanding our strengths, recognizing where we shine, and also where we could use a bit of improvement. Rahul recommends doing it daily, but even doing it weekly would have a great impact on our lives. Self-reflection also helps us have the strength to ask for help. We may think it makes us seem weak but recognizing we need for help and asking for it can help us improve and grow.  




In high-pressure situations, things rarely go as planned. It's when we remain composed that we can think clearly and make reliable decisionsones we'll stand by, even when it's tough. Most leaders, and honestly, most of us, make decisions in a panic and they often don't turn out well, causing harm and regret. Rahul emphasizes the importance of maintaining calmness. Panicking only adds to the negativity and raises your stress levels, which is unhealthy. Instead, he suggests taking a break, using calming techniques such as meditation, and then making a thoughtful move. That way, you’ll be acting with a purpose, not just reacting in the heat of the moment.




Rahul points out how people think they won’t be heard if they stay silentthat they need to speak up and be vocal to feel seen. He believes in that, too. But he finds something really powerful about just being quiet and taking it all in. Nelson Mandela, Rahul observes, watched how his father acted in leading important meetings, waiting until all had spoken before giving his opinion. This enforced Rahul’s beliefs in the old saying, "Silence is golden." So he decided to introduce a ten-minute silence in his home, something he practices weekly to model behavior to his children. He encourages silence as a way to regain your energy.

“I see being silent as a way to recharge, just as your phone needs recharging. Silence is what allows your inner body to give you strength to be more active, versus losing energy every time you talk.”


By embracing these healthy habits and choosing to design your life your way, you'll be better equipped to navigate challenges, make sound decisions, and ultimately shape a fulfilling and intentional life.



Listen to the full conversation.

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